

Does alcohol make you warm?

100% scientific. This article is written by Russian scientist: toxicologist Stanislav Radchenko.

This folk belief has been proven wrong, alcohol does not warm up, it only conveys a feeling of warming up by dilating the vessels. In this respect one could get warm by a glass of alcoholic beverage only by being indoors. It is very dangerous to drink alcohol in the cold: there is a possibility of freezing to death or getting ill.

Our experts:

Chief expert: Stanislav Radchenko is a Russian scientist, therapist (graduated from Kazan State Medical Institute in 1989), an expert in medical cybernetics doctor (graduated as cybernetic from Russian State Medical University in 1998). He has an academic degree, a Russian equivalent of Ph.D. in medical sciences. A specialist in modeling of acute and chronic intoxications. Experienced toxicologist, who has treated hundreds of patients.

Toxicologist Olga Kalashnikova, works in reanimatology.

Narcologist Maxim Kirsanov.

Эксперт-токсиколог Станислав Радченко,  реаниматолог Ольга Калашникова, Эксперт-нарколог Максим Кирсанов